The golden version of truth and why your company needs it

June 7, 2016
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The golden version of truth and why your company needs it

The success of any enterprise depends on how they leverage their data. That’s why, over 70% of companies are planning on implementing Business Intelligence, Data stewardship rules, Master Data Management (MDM) and Analytics.(Source: The Hackett Group)

Why Does Your Company Need The Golden Version Of Truth?

The golden version of truth is a single, well-defined version of all the data entities in an organizational ecosystem.


Any organization, especially a retail or eCommerce enterprise gathers data from various sources and systems such as Customers, Products, Locations, Finance, and Employees. The domain type can be varied as per a company’s industry orientation and business model. The same data is promoted through various business channels like online & offline stores, and different media channels etc. in the case of a retailer.

Master Data Management manages the data coming from various sources and channels– creating a single “golden” version of truth which allows an enterprise to link all its critical data to one file, called a master file.

This provides a common point of reference, streamlining data sharing across the enterprise.

Our MDM Solution provides you –

  • Multi-domain MDM to help maintain a single view of all your materials, products, customers, sellers/vendor, and other datasets and derive relationships
  • Accurate product data to differentiate your business and provide customers with a dynamic and personalized shopping experience.
  • A platform to define the master catalog of validated, high-quality unique products across various systems and the organization’s information supply chain.
  • Synchronized products, sellers, materials and customers data across systems, applications, and channels
  • MDG (Master Data Governance) solution to provide an effective mechanism for Data Stewardship. Workflow and Data Governance to manage and author data.
  • Data integration to combine data with multiple formats and attributes from disparate data sources to gain a single unified view of all your data.
  • High-quality data for quality decision making.

Get A Demo Today!

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Want to grow your business?

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growth is here!

Quick tricks for growth:

  • Reconciliation of overcharges
  • Single inventory dashboard
  • Reduced order processing time
  • Standard and accurate data

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