What will be the main reason for D2C sales in 2021? Discover how the D2C business model can benefit you!

December 28, 2021
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What will be the main reason for D2C sales in 2021

Direct-to-Consumer selling deals the end-user directly through the digital platform eliminating the middlemen’s involvement. The D2C is the right platform to establish a strong bond with the buyer and the seller to strengthen the market and built-up the relationship in a fascinating manner.

The goal of the D2C is to display the products of customers’ choice rather than what service they can provide to attract the consumers.

Are you the one to take your business in the D2C model? Are you ready to undergo the strategies to set the D2C business? If yes, then this article solely belongs to your criteria and is processed accordingly.

D2C has given lots of benefits to the consumers for the growth of the business in this tech-savvy world. Have a look at this article. It will narrate all the required information to establish the D2C business broadly.

E-commerce Business and its benefit through D2C Business model

In India, D2C is holistically capturing the market. All brands want to enroll in such a business model for more sales of their respective products and build the brand name and frame hugely. Amid pandemic, many offline stores have shifted or switched to online mode to compete for the market growth.

As per the survey, Avendus reports that D2C can make the market of USD 100 billion by 2025.

With the advancement of smartphones and the growing e-commerce platform, the shift is natural and needs time to maintain the market strategies and growth. The modern way of setting the business is more in trend than the traditional way of establishing the business by selling the products door-to-door.

D2C keeps an eye on consumer experience and gathers data to attract consumers towards the products of their choice. Accepting D2C as a business model is the market’s call, but what makes the businessmen get inclined to it is a matter of concern. There are certain benefits to getting more into such a business model rather than following the old-fashioned method to start up the business.

Advantages of adopting the D2C business model

  • Brand Loyalty and its growth 

The start-up or business needs to evolve constantly and their brand to provide the best services to their audience. Such setup helps strengthen brand loyalty and provides personalized service, if possible, to touch the user’s heart and make them feel happy.

  • D2C follows an omnichannel method

D2C is diverse, and a single platform is of no such use in terms of sales perspective. Once you are aware of customers’ choices, the D2C business model gathers all the information regarding the customers and displays the brands of their choice.

  • 24*7 availability of service

The digital platform provides service 365 days and 24hours without any negligence. They drop and pick the product from your door in case of any fault in the products.

  • D2C gets a good turnover

The profit generated by D2C is skyrocketing, and people get numerous advantages out of it. Getting rid of intermediaries is of great use as it helps create more profit cutting down the pocket of the intermediary.

D2C and its selling process

The D2C wave has made a massive hike in sales in recent years. Some of the e-commerce tycoons have mentioned their experience in this platform.

The Director of Payoneer, Mahadevan Gopalkrishnan, says the one who offers a unique and uniform offering to the customer stands in the market with all potential and capability. The support system is of great help, from invoicing to warehousing.

The CEO and Co-founder of Velocity, Abhiroop Medhekar, says it’s tough to maintain business despite the tough competition. It is essential to pick the product of the customer’s choice.

Managing Director, Logic ERP Solutions Pvt. Ltd Swarndeep Singh says When a brand expands, it becomes tough for it to provide adequate time. The need of the time is to opt for order management by the D2C business model.

Strategies to follow the D2C business model

The strategies to make space in the D2C business model are listed below. Explore each point vividly to get a picture of it.

  • Try to manage both the local market and the online portal to get sales out of it.
  • The organizational structure is the best part of the Direct-to-Consumer model.
  • Set up strategies to serve the purpose of the customer from whatever source the business model can.
  • They gather all the information to analyze the data and consumer experience and desire from the e-commerce platform.
  • Target the audience through social media networks or websites to attract them to the next level.
  • Do not forget to buzz the advertisements or campaigns to get the eyes of the consumers on Broadway.

D2C gives easy hands to get the customers and builds a strong relationship with the customers at times of need. One of the best examples of D2C is Chumbak which has captured the market with advanced technologies and earned a considerable turnover.

Direct to Consumers as an e-commerce platform and its solutions to gain the moment.

The model expects to set all the reliable solutions now and then to look into the matter which occurred. You can keep a check on Unicommerce that deals in generating solutions and making e-commerce easy to access. It broadly handles 15,000+ sellers, brands, and retailers to solve the queries as soon as possible.

Some brands that have established themselves with Direct-to-Consumes are mcaffeine, Chumbak, Portronics, FabAlley, forever 52, Superbottoms, and many more to catch the market insight in support of Unicommerce. They have followed both the offline and online sales and made the deal to reach the zenith. The Unicommerce solutions are affordable, efficient and enhance the brand’s productivity as per the customers’ needs. The answers are available 365x24x7, just a click away from the businessmen.


Want to grow your business?

Your staircase to
growth is here!

Quick tricks for growth:

  • Reconciliation of overcharges
  • Single inventory dashboard
  • Reduced order processing time
  • Standard and accurate data

Want to know how to do this? Don’t worry!



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